or Consult with Coach Don!
VO2 Max testing is a relatively new concept here in the Philippines but it has been widely used worldwide. It was initially very popular in the cycling scene abroad (e.g. Tour de France) but more and more sports start to see the benefits of it. While initially meant to be a screening metric for athletic potential, it has consistently shown that there’s more to it than that alone. In reality, VO2Max testing is only a subset of Metabolic Testing. This is another important performance test that you can utilize to excel in whatever sport or event you take part in. What is VO2 Max?
VO2 Max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize. As we increase intensity, our body needs to produce more energy. Like a combustion engine, it needs fuel (e.g. carbs or fat) and oxygen to facilitate the “burning” process. As we increase the intensity that we perform a given task (e.g. running, cycling, rowing, etc.) we increase our demand for both fuel and oxygen. Eventually, we will reach a physiological limit where our oxygen utilization starts to plateau – this is our VO2 Max. Why is it important?