Entries by FlyingDonV

PREP: This is Preseason! (Part 2)

In line with the earlier article I posted, let’s get down to the specifics of what we should try and do during this long preseason. Here are a few tips on how you can make the most out of this time. Work on your Technique – I always say that there’s no perfect technique but […]

PREP: This is Preseason!

2020 meant perfect vision, or so we thought. We saw things so clearly early in the year, but it turned into a cloud of blurriness and confusion. Our races got cancelled, our plans got derailed, and most of all, the smiles we used to wear were turned upside down. LIVING IN LIMBO A long layover […]

PREP: BAE 5150 2019

It’s finally here, the much awaited “A-Race” of the off-season, the Black Arrow Express 5150! While it’s easy to say that Subic races can be predictable or even “boring” to some, our Sunrise Events throws something unique to make things more exciting and memorable. For a lot of people, this will probably be their last race of the decade; yes the final race of the twentyteens! Rightfully so, this will be something to remember.

PREP: Aguila Ironman 70.3 Cebu 2019

It’s August already? For most people, you know what that means. It’s time for the best and longest running half-Ironman race in the country! My personal favorite and the race I’ve always looked forward to: The Cebu Ironman 70.3 (brought to us by Regent Aguila)! This race never ceases to throw us a few curve balls but let’s discuss how we can help prepare ourselves for the possible eventualities. It’s best to be prepared!

PREP: Century Tuna IM70.3 2019

Experiencing race day jitters? Don’t worry, we’re here again to give you the lowdown on what to expect this Sunday. The course may be new, the terrain may be different but one thing’s for certain, it’s another EPIC RACE DAY in Subic! Check out a few points to ponder on leading into 70.3 miles of racing!